Money Lingo: Bridging the Gap in Personal Finance
The Money Lingo program is designed to help non-native English speakers bridge the gap in personal finance. Money Lingo is specifically tailored to help students (both native and non-native English speakers) study for the W!SE personal finance test. However, it is our hope that the Money Lingo program will help students overall understanding of personal finance.
This program was funded in part by PBMares through their PBMares Cares grant program.
Your Economic Success would like to thank PBMares for their generous support!
Please watch this video for additional information about Money Lingo: Bridging the Gap in Personal Finance program and how you can use it in your classroom.
Pre-test and Post-test Multiple Choice Questions
This selection of multiple choice questions are designed to provide a short pre and post assessment for students using the Money Lingo program.
Teachers can use each of these sets of five questions as a quick measure of student growth using the Money Lingo program.
Each section of the program contains questions designed to help student understanding of each of the following content areas: Budgeting, Insurance, Banking, Interest (Cost of Money), Stocks, Investing, Government and Retirement.
These questions are the only portion of the Money Lingo program that does not contain Spanish or Arabic components. This is intentional to provide students with a better understanding of the experience they may have when taking the W!SE personal finance test.
Writing Prompts/Scenarios
These writing prompts and are designed to provide students with real world scenarios. Each prompt provides students the opportunity to apply the personal finance knowledge and tools they have gained using the Money Lingo program.
Prompts are provided in English, Spanish, and Arabic.
It is recommended teachers provide students an opportunity to discuss their answers with their classmates. One of the goals of the Money Lingo program is for students to hear, speak, read, and write about personal finance as often as possible. By having students discuss their answers, it should help them develop a deeper understanding of the content.
The final component of the Money Lingo program are flashcards developed to help students with the vocabulary they may see when taking the W!SE personal finance test. Teachers can choose from two different flashcard sites:
Quizlet flashcards which allows students to hear the vocabulary word before the translation/definition appears.
Knowt flashcards which contain images to help illustrate the concepts students are learning.
There are flashcards for each portion of the Money Lingo program: Budgeting, Insurance, Banking, Interest (Cost of Money), Stocks, Investing, Government, and Retirement.
The terms in the flashcards are presented in English. This is intentional to allow students an opportunity to familiarize themselves with terms they may see on the W!SE personal finance test. Definitions for each term can be found in English, Spanish, and Arabic.