YES Workshops Take Training to the Teachers.
Working in partnership with the JMU Center for Economic Education, YES provides responsive and quality professional development opportunities and workshops for K-12 teachers and the resources and tools to make their responsibility for teaching economics and financial literacy easier.
John Kruggel provides workshops and professional development opportunities through in-service training days on school workdays. He leads sessions in the following areas:
- Civics and Economics
- Economics and Personal Finance
- Career and Technical Education
- Social Studies
John can also deliver demonstration lessons in a classroom when requested.
After School Opportunities For Professional Development.
In addition to taking workshops to the schools, a variety of opportunities are also provided after school at various locations and at the JMU Center for Economic Education. Workshops and many other professional development opportunities are available virtually and on a variety of subjects like: economics, personal finance, and financial literacy. YES also offers field trips for classes on specific topics such as the economics of immigration, personal finance, and entrepreneurship.
“Teaching the Teacher” Model Creates a Vast Ripple Effect.
This “Teach the Teacher” model, developed in the 1970’s, ultimately reaches huge numbers of students. In a typical year, YES (Your Economic Success) supports programs that reach 800 teachers with economics and financial literacy information, workshops, materials, and lesson plans; 100 teachers with training in workshops, webinars and other virtual economics and personal finance content; and 20 teachers for intensive training in economic education. Using figures supplied by the Virginia Council on Economic Education, this translates into classroom benefits for more than 32,000 students in the Shenandoah Valley. These educators reach additional students every year they continue to teach, creating a strong multiplier effect. Ready to sign-up for workshops and other opportunities for professional development?